Strip 22 is a bit of a funny milestone for me, since my series is pretty blatantly inspired by Sabrina Online; to note that Strip 22 was the final strip that Online predecessor, Sabrina at See-CAD; reached.

Sure, my art style is nowhere near as polished as See-CAD is, but I guess that is the difference between graduates of Columbus School of Art and Design and an engineering student such as myself. TV Tropes says “Art Evolution” is a real thing, so I hope in time I can look back on these current strips of mine as being crude but stepping stones to better pieces in the future.

Also for this made-up milestone of mine, a bit of the behind-the-scenes to the process. Yes I tossed out my tools haphazardly, for “effect” but my comics are drawn on 14x11 bristol paper in pairs (example strip 21 and 22 are “paired comics”). I sketch out the comic first on another sheet in a rough draft form, then sketch them out again using light pencil on the bristol before inking with brush pens and technical pens. It is certainly messier than digital comics, but its kind of fun this way, especially with being able to put on a record in the background while I work. Strip 21 and 22 were born under the vinyl sounds of The War on Drugs’ I Don’t Live Here Anymore, The Killer’s Day & Age and Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours for anybody curious.